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Monday, 29 August 2022

Hindley St Music Hall – An Introduction

  • News

You’ve probably seen us shouting from the rooftops about this latest venture, Hindley St Music Hall. But maybe you’re not exactly clear on the who, the what or even the why? So we thought we’d take the time to give you the inside scoop on the journey and how this passion project came to be.

Adelaide faces a couple of challenges when it comes to interstate and international artists making the choice to stop past our humble city. The first being that we’re a fickle market, and don’t often sell out shows until the eleventh hour, making us seem as though we’re not a safe bet despite being packed to the brim with music loving patrons. The second being that from an outward perspective, we have a range of smaller to medium sized venues that can host around 600 to 700 patrons, and then a big jump up to the 2000 to 3000 capacity point with not a great deal in between. Oftentimes with these challenges working in kahootz, artists will choose to skip Adelaide entirely rather than shoulder the uphill battle towards a sell out show.

But having been immersed in the local scene for over 10 years, we think that’s crap to put it lightly. Adelaide has one of the best music scenes in all of Australia, at least that’s what we reckon. So when the opportunity arose to take over the old HQ building on Hindley St, it didn’t take a genius to figure that this was the perfect chance to solve our ongoing problem. Why not throw everything we have at this project to deliver one of the best venues in Australia? Literally, why not?

After long time collaborators Secret Sounds, Live Nation and Five Four Entertainment put their heads together, the work began! We acquired the building formerly known as HQ and the demolition started immediately. Then came the best part, a blank canvas was poised and ready for us to create Adelaide’s newest venue with one idea at its core, delivering the best live music experience possible. Well you wouldn’t believe it but that’s exactly what happened! Out of the stone and rubble came Hindley St Music Hall, a venue perfectly sized for shows ranging anywhere between 500 and 1800 patrons. A venue intentionally designed for experiencing live music, with production, lighting and sound kept in mind throughout the process. A venue built with accessibility and inclusivity at its forefront, with vantage points and sightlines tailored for the needs of all patrons.

Hindley St Music Hall is launching with the intent to cater to artists and patrons alike, proving that we are worth a damn and that we host the best shows in the country. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on Adelaide, we’ll see you at our launch party on Thursday September 15. We’ll save you a beer or two!